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发布时间:2019-11-01 06:40:34    浏览人数:477

“Hi, what is Halloween?”
“Here, let’s listen what Halloween is.”


The foreign teacher Cody is introducing the origin of Halloween.


The lovely children are learning.
“Wow, now I know what Halloween is!”

“Look! The performance begins! Let’s enjoy!”
With joy, the students start performing.

看!这一张张稚嫩的笑脸,熟悉而又陌生。原来是来自一年级的新同学们。他们的加入为学校注入了新鲜的血液。听!一年级的孩子们带着稚嫩的笑脸。声情并茂地给同学们带来了万圣节歌曲:Trick or treat.
First, let’s welcome students from G1 who are enrolled this year to sing a song: Trick or treat. Students from G1 they are like new blood in our body and bring us a feeling of freshness.

接下来登场的是六年级的大哥哥大姐姐们。他们盛装出席,只为给大家展示一场精彩的故事表演。Rikki Tikki Tavi,大家开动小脑筋,猜猜这是个什么样的故事呢?
Then, the students from G6 with fantastic costumes come to play a story show for us, which named Rikki Tikki Tavi. Can you guess what the story is about?

“嘻嘻哈哈哈哈…” 带着欢快的笑声,二年级的同学们蹦蹦跳跳地来到了舞台上。随着欢快的音乐:Go away, scary monster go away…开始了他们的表演。请欣赏万圣节歌曲:Go away。
“Ha,ha,ha…” Listen! Who is laughing?  Look, students from G2 jumped on the stage. They’re all ready to sing a lovely song: Trick or treat. “ Go away, scary monster go away…” Now, let’s enjoy.


Suddenly, all of us get nervous by the solemnity. Students from G5 are performing a drama show for us. Let’s enjoy the terrific war: the Trojan War.


Tok,tok,tok! The sound attracts us. It is G4! Look, they are singing and dancing. Now, let’s enjoy the song: Halloween Stomp.


“We can’t wait to show our play!” Students from G3 are playing a scene play: The supermarket which shows us what is knowledge application.

After the show, all of the students joined the game called “How much do you know about Halloween?”


After the activity, our Foreign Principal Mr. Douglas gives a high praise of today’s performance. And he encourages students to be enthusiastic about reading. From reading to the future.


As children’s favorite part, candies show up. And today’s party comes to an end.

Who is the best cosplayer? Let’s cosplay!